Mount Vernon, WA - Established in 1975
Lang's Horse & Pony Farm has been working with the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts since 1984. We offer kid friendly, educational opportunities using our 100 horses and ponies. We pride ourselves on making horseback riding fun and a positive experience. Please see our many different options and pick the best one for your troop.
All rides and programs are done by telephone reservation. To get on our schedule, call our office at 360-424-7630.
We work hard to stay on schedule, please be kind and arrive on time.
Patch/Badge Program for Junior or Brownie level Girls Scouts:
Our 3 hour horsemanship patch program will introduce them to the world of horses and horsemanship. It is based off of the Junior Girl Scout requirements for horseback riding. (we are also happy to do a Boy Scout version of the program)
During our 3 hours together our kid friendly, knowledgeable staff will fit each of the riders with an ASTM/SEI certified riding helmet. They will present a riding safety demonstration, then get all of the participants mounted up on horses and/or ponies that are size and skill appropriate. The staff will then give the participants a riding lesson in one of our many riding arenas. The focus of this lesson is basic horse riding with good posture, being in control of speed and direction, stopping, backing, and using the full arena for a safe group riding experience. Most riders will get to walk, jog, and maybe a posting trot depending on prior riding experience.
In addition to the riding portion of the program the scouts also spend over an hour learning about horse care, and stable management. This hands on portion of the program includes learning to groom and saddle the ponies and horses, how to clean out a stable, and is a great time for the staff to answer questions the girls have about horses.
We will need adult advocates to be present and ready to assist any child that is too nervous to be independent.
This badge program is not for Daisy age riders as it is too much information to absorb.
Adults are welcome to ride in this program alongside the girls if there are other adults that will help on the ground. Adult riders must reserve their horses, and horse numbers are limited. Last minute ride requests will only be allowed if we have the staff and horses to stay in ratio with the girls. Our first priority is the safety of the girls.
This program is designed to achieve the Junior Girl Scout Horsemanship Badge program in 2 visits. With the amount of information that is expected to be covered, we feel breaking it down into two visits is much better for the scouts.
On the first visit, the girls will earn a horse patch from our farm. On the second visit your troop should be able to complete the remainder of the Junior horse badge requirements including a short trail ride. The speed of working through the information is based on the age of the riders, and their ability to move efficiently through the program.
Price of the program:
1st visit 3 hour patch program $90 per girl or adult rider (patch supplied for each rider)
2nd visit 3 hour badge program $95 per girl or adult rider (GS Badge supplied for each rider)
Additional options that can be added.
Covered Picnic area rental. Includes use of tables, BBQ grill, and fire ring. $50 for 2 hours, and $25 per additional hour.
Uncovered picnic tables: there are a few tables around our farm, that can be used for free on a first come, first served basis. If you are just wanting to take a quick snack break , please check in with our office about the availability of tables. This is great option for groups of under 15 people.
Bridge rental for bridging ceremony. $20 for the group. We have two different sizes available, but our lovely covered bridge is exquisite for your ceremony.
Fire, Marshmallows, sticks, and wood- we start the fire and provide all you need to roast marshmallows for your group $50.
Finger Paint a real live pony during your time with us. $100 for the group, This is a 45 minute activity.
45 minute trail ride can be added to your 3 hour program for $35 per rider. This is only for riders who are participating in the full 3 hour program and are over 8 years old.
We are open year-round and seven days per week. We only do reservations over the phone. We schedule our staff based on the reservations that are on the books. To schedule your event, please call our office at 360-424-7630. Please have in mind at least 3 optional dates that your troop could make it to our facility. On most days, we offer morning or afternoon start times.
Our 3 hour riding program requires a minimum of 5 paid participants to be scheduled.
Pony Parties: Great for the younger crowd (Brownies and Daisy age Girl Scouts)
Pony Rides and Picnic at the farm: This is a great option for your troop to come to our wonderful location and spend some time enjoying the scenery, having a picnic, and getting a short pony ride in for each of the girls.
Our farm staff will escort you to one of our many covered picnic areas. We will then bring over 2 ponies that will work for 1 hour giving each of the girls a short pony ride. This is such a fun option for troops with lots of Daisy age girls. We will provide the picnic area to the troop to use for 2 1/2 hours, and two staff that will give rides for 1 hour.
The advantage of this package is that only a few adults/leaders are required to supervise the troop. Our staff will supervise all riders. The troop will provide adult supervision for all activities.
There is room to run and play. Some picnic areas have lawns that are great for group games. The picnic areas have a BBQ grill and a fire pit you are welcome to use. This package is $350 for the entire group. This is a great option for troops of 12 or less girls. (We will provide a fun patch for each participant)
What if you have more girls in your troop? We can add an additional pony for an extra $100. This gives you 3 ponies for a 1 hour of pony rides, and is an excellent option for troop with up to 18 girls.
Additional options can be added.
Bridge rental for bridging ceremony $20 we have two different sizes available, but our lovely covered bridge is exquisite for your ceremony.
30 minute class for troop on how to groom a pony $50
Fire, Marshmallows, sticks, and wood- we start the fire and provide all you need to roast marshmallows for your group $50
Finger Paint a real live pony during your time with us $100, this is a 45 minute activity.
Trail Rides are a wonderful way to introduce young or inexperienced riders to the joy of pleasure riding. Our farm has 100 horses and ponies that provide this service daily. We love giving riders a chance to experience their very first ride.
When picking the trail ride option, please note, that our farm will provide 1 staff for every 5 riders. If you have beginner riders who will want one on one assistance you will need to bring parents/leaders to help. This person will walk on foot during the entire ride, and assist with the handling of the pony. Please see dress requirements for adult helpers
Please note, we must have adequate time to gather your group at our farm, collect release forms, fit helmets, and present a riding demonstration, prior to mounting up for the ride. It takes at least 30 minutes to prepare a group of up to 8 to ride. It takes 45 minutes to prepare a group of 12 to ride, and any troop with more than 12 riders will be assigned two back to back group ride times. When making a reservation, please make sure you are very clear on your check in time. We work hard to stay on schedule, please be kind and arrive on time.
Trail Riding Option for Brownie, Junior and Cadet Level riders. Riders must be 8 years or older to go on a trail ride.
1/2 hour trail ride (we will provide a fun patch for each participant)
on ponies or horses $45 per girl or adult rider.
on a draft $55 per adult rider- (drafts are for adults over 240 lbs. or over 6'2" tall)
45 minute trail ride (we will provide a fun patch for each participant)
on ponies or horses $55 per girl or adult rider.
on a draft $65 per adult rider- (drafts are for adults over 240 lbs. or over 6'2" tall)
Additional options can be added.
Covered Picnic area rental. Includes use of tables, BBQ grill, and fire ring. $50 for 2 hours, and $25 per additional hour.
Uncovered picnic tables: there are a few tables around our farm, that can be used for free on a first come, first served basis. If you are just wanting to take a quick snack break , please check in with our office about the availability of tables. This is great option for groups of under 15 people.
Bridge rental for bridging ceremony $20 we have two different sizes available, but our lovely covered bridge is exquisite for your ceremony
30 minute class for troop on how to groom a pony $50
Fire, Marshmallows, sticks, and wood- we start the fire and provide all you need to roast marshmallows for your group $50
Finger Paint a real live pony during your time with us $100, this is a 45 minute activity
Dress Code and Release Forms. For scout rides we require the following:
Long Pants-Jeans are best. Long pants keep the rider from getting chaffed. Absolutely no slick leggings or track pants.
Shoes or boots with a heel. Must have a 1/4 or more drop down, squared off heel. Cowboy boots, some hiking boots, some rain boots. No tennis shoes or sandals are allowed for riding. Our farm has a small selection of loaner boots available for your ride. Please do not purchase boots just for this event.
Certified Horse Riding Helmets. We provide loaner helmets to all guests at no extra charge. Bike, ski, and other types of helmets are not allowed. All loaner helmets are sprayed after each use with a lice spray and sanitized.
Bring rain gear if there is any chance of showers. This is an outdoor activity. Sweatshirts do not keep you dry!
A Release of Liability is REQUIRED for all riders. It must be filled out in full and signed by a parent or legal guardian. Our office cannot accept faxed or emailed forms.
Please make sure you have all forms filled out and with you at check in.
(Girl Scout leaders, there is nothing worse than having someone from your troop not be allowed to participate because of a missing release form.)
Download and print forms here.
How to make a reservation:
We only do reservations over the phone. To schedule your event, please call our office at 360-424-7630.
Please have in mind at least 3 optional dates that your troop could make it to our facility. On most days, we offer morning and afternoon start times.
We will need to know an approximate number of riders and the age range of your troop. The final head count for your day at our farm, will be due 7 days prior to your function. If you show up the day of your ride, and your numbers have changed we will charge you for the original reservation number of participants. Additional riders may or may not be allowed to participate. The office will have to check in with the Corral Boss to see if there are enough staff and equines to cover extra riders.
The deposit for scout events is $200. This deposit is refundable if you cancel at least 7 days prior to your event. Last minute cancellations will not be given a refund. Your deposit is transferable if you change the date of your event at least 7 days prior to your reservation. If because of weather, we have to cancel or postpone your event you may transfer your deposit or receive a full refund.
A 15% gratuity to your farm guides will be added to the cost of your ride. Thank you for understanding.