Mount Vernon, WA - Established in 1975

Everyone deserves a chance to have fun, relax, and enjoy the magic that comes with riding a horse.
Our adult camps are all about taking a break from your busy life and slowing down to find the joy of grooming and riding a horse, while visiting and learning with other amazing people. Our adult horse camps are tailored to fit the needs of experienced riders, and the not so experienced. We offer Horsemanship 101, trail riding on our beautiful 300 acres, riding lessons and clinics, games on horseback, mounted drill team, and much more.
Jeans or riding breeches.
Cowboy boots, English riding boots, or approved boots with a drop-down heel. Absolutely no tennis shoes or lug soled shoes/boots.
Dress in layers, camp is outdoors.
We strongly recommend purchasing your own certified riding helmet. Our farm provides loaner helmets if needed. No bike or ski helmets are permitted.
Weight Limit: Regular riding horses are for riders under #220 pounds. Draft horses can be requested for anyone over #220 pounds or over 6'2". A limited number of draft horses are available so if you need one, please check with us for availability before signing up. There is an upcharge for riders who need to have a draft horse.
Springtime Adult Camp
Dates: June 14th, 2025
Times: 9:00-4:00. Check in 9:00
Cost: $250/day. Lunch will be provided.
Age: 18 years or better.
Activities: Grooming and tacking up, a riding lesson, the mountain trail ride, and more. All levels of riders welcome.
Fall Ladies Retreat
Dates: August 30-31 (Friday 8/29 optional)
September 6-7 (Friday 9/5 optional)
Check in: Saturday 8:00 for overnight campers. Breakfast at 8:30
Saturday 8:15 for day campers. Breakfast at 8:30
Hours: 8:30-8:00 on Saturday, and 8:30-4:00 on Sunday.
Cost: $550 includes all horse activities, all meals, and after dinner fun on Saturday night.
$90 to add on Friday evening. 4:00-8:00PM, riding lesson, dinner, and campfire social.
$40/night for housing in our Bunkhouse style cabins. We do our best to spread everyone out, however Private Cabins may not be available.
$20/night for dry RV camping, or tent camping.
Age: 18 years or better.
Riding level: Basic riding skills required. All riders should be comfortable riding at a walk and trot minimum.
Some basic riding skills are recommended so you can get the most out of your experience. You will spend your weekend riding in the arena, out on the beautiful trails, and engaging in mounted and unmounted activities.
This camp is truly a mental getaway. Our participants are treated to some amazing coaches that assist them in learning about horsemanship and riding. Our participants are also treated to some amazing food to keep their energy up for all that riding. Riders can take classes in English and Western Riding. We also offer Gaming or speed event classes, as well as our Mountain Trail Ride.
Every little girl dreams of going to horse camp.
Don't Miss out, sign up early.
How to register for camp.
Use our online registration service, Jumbula.
A $100 deposit is required to secure a spot in this camp. Camp deposits are non-refundable.
FULL PAYMENT OF CAMP TUITION IS DUE ONE MONTH PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF CAMP. Those accounts with outstanding balances after the final payment due date (one month prior to the first day of your camp) will be considered a forfeiture, and your spot will be filled from the waitlist.
A new CAMPER RELEASE OF LIABILITY for the current year is due Feb. 1st. Our insurance carrier requires us to have the hard copy of the signed release form in our files.